Patchcords, pigtails, accessories
Splitters, CWDM, DWDM
Fiber optic service

Splitter 1x128


 splitter PLC


In order to obtain many advantages through the process of designing new networks we recommend You consider using 1x128 splitters.

One of pros are gaining better stability of power relay through each of the channel (uniformity), as well as much gain regarding insertion loss parameters comparing to standard topology usage of two splitters 1x64




 Technical card of splitter 1x128


I. Optical parameters of splitter with two chips 1x64 spliced together with 1x2 splitter

a) Tables of maximum optical parameters for standard splitter without connectors


Splitter FBT 1x2 50/50% Premium


 Max. Insertion LossMax. Uniformity (dB)
 1x2 3,40,6


 Splitter PLC 1x64 Standard


 Partition Max. Insertion Loss Max. Uniformity (dB)


Spliced 1x128 Standard


 Partition  Max. Insertion Loss Max. Uniformity (dB) 



b) Tables of maximum optical parameters for premium splitter without connectors


Splitter FBT 1x2 50/50% Premium


  Max. Insertion Loss
  Max. Uniformity (dB) 
 1x2 3,40,6


 Splitter PLC 1x64 Premium


 Partition Max. Insertion Loss Max. Uniformity (dB)


Spliced 1x128 Standard


 Partition  Max. Insertion Loss Max. Uniformity (dB) 



II. Optical parameters for splitter with one chip 1x128


Spliced 1x128 Standard


 Partition  Max. Insertion Loss Max. Uniformity (dB) 


III. Conclusions

a) Differance between premium and standard splitters spliced with two chips 1x64


 PartitionMax. Insertion Loss (dB)
 Max. Uniformity (dB)
1x128 Standard, including splice
1x128 Premium, including splice


In the table is clearly shown that the main difference between a premium and standard splitter is very high. Insertion loss is lower by 1,0 dB and uniformity by 0,2 dB.


b) Differance between premium splitter spliced with two chips 1x64 and splitter with on chip 1x128 without splice


 PartitionMax. Insertion Loss (dB)
 Max. Uniformity (dB)
1x128 Premium, including splice
1x128 Standard, without splice
-0,5 -0,6


In the table is crearly shown that the main difference between a premium and standard splitter is very high. Insertion loss is lower by 0,5 dB and uniformity by 0,6 dB. The difference in uniformity is so high because in splitter with one chip there is no additional splitter that would increase the maximum parameter.


Two types of splitter 1x128. First type spliced with two chips 1x64 and second with one chip 1x128. First divided by paramters into premium and standard.

Maximum theoretical parameters:
1x128 Standard with two spliced chips: IL ≤ 25,0 dB ; Uni ≤ 2,8 dB
1x128 Premium with two spliced chips: IL ≤ 24,0 dB ; Uni ≤ 2,6 dB
1x128 Standard with one chip without splice: IL ≤ 23,5 dB ; Uni ≤ 2,0 dB

The main difference is in insertion loss which is very important for dividing signal in so many channels, also there is a huge difference in uniformity between spliced and non spliced splitter. To maintain the highest quality the best option is a splitter with the lowest parameters, whitch is the non spliced splitter with one 1x128 chip.
















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Patchcords, pigtails, accessories
Splitters, CWDM, DWDM
Fiber optic service


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